Title: Sex Angel Magic Pairing(s): TaoKai Rating: r Length: 9840 words Warning(s): [Please click to open.]some dirty language Summary: Tao's friends hire him a stripper as a surprise for his birthday, said stripper trips on his pants during his routine and now it's 2 a.m. and he's holding his hand in the emergency room.
Author's Note: The hand holding is more, er,
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Title: Yours was the beginning (Mine was the end) Pairing(s): Jongin/Sehun Rating: R Length: 5.8K Warning(s): [Please click to open.]Foul language, top!jongin, rimming, unprotected sex. Summary: Jongin is 25 years old, and as a literature graduate who works at a prestigious publishing house in New York, he can quote dozens of authors who, like him, believe we all have
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Title: Our hands aren't tied (but we move as though they are) Pairing(s): Jongin/Sehun Rating: R Length: 31,000 Warning(s): [Please click to open.]Alcohol and drug references Summary: Jongin drinks too much, too often. Author's Note: To my wonderful beta H - thank you for being so patient and friendly. And to A - thank you for figuratively holding my hand and literally
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Title: Primrose Blossoms Pairing(s): jongin/d.o. Rating: r Length: 11,595 Warning(s): [Please click to open.]mentions of depression and suicide, angst/fluff Summary: jongin thought he’d never see the love of his life again, but little did he know Fate had a little more in store for him.
Author's Note: first of all, thank you so much to the people that helped and
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Title: Give me a hand? Pairing(s): Kaisoo, Sesoo Rating: R Length: 3.2K Warning(s): [not sure if these apply :-(]sesoo smut, topsoo Summary: Jongin needs a boost in his views and Kyungsoo has too much time on his hands.
Author's Note: I want to give my beta, Z a BIG hug for encouraging me & sticking by my side throughout the journey. Hope all you readers enjoy the short
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